# Test Case Fields

# Id

This specifies the test case id. This field value is automatically generated and can be edited. This id field will help you in finding the test case file quickly on the file system.

# Template Ref

This specifies the template reference to be re-used in this test case. Once you specify the $ref property in the test case file then it inherits all the other properties from the template. For more information, read Templates.

# Override Fields

This field specifies the field names which you would like to override from its associated template. When you convert a test case into a template then the Summary field is automatically overridden. For more information, read Templates.

# Method

This specifies the request method of the test case. The possible values as of now are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE. If you are using any other request method then let us know. We will support the additional request methods on the basis of the user's request.

# URL/API Endpoint

This specifies the request URL or API endpoint of the test case. You may use any global or extracted variables in this field e.g. baseURL. If you specify the URL with query parameters here then query parameters will be extracted and will be imported in the Query parameters field.

# Summary

This specifies the test case summary. Providing a meaningful summary will help you or your team know about what the test case is doing.

# Description

This specifies the test case description. Here in this field, you may provide detailed information about the test case. This field is only for informational purposes for you.

# External Id

If you are maintaining this test case in external test case management tools then provide the test case id of the external test case management tool here. This field value will be available in the hooks. With the help of this value, you may update status in any external test case management tool like TestRail.

# Condition

This specifies the test case condition on which you want to execute the test case.

# Loop Source

If you would like to execute the test case within a loop then provide the loop source value here. This field is important when you want to read the data read from an excel sheet for data-driven testing.

# Wait for Seconds

If you want to hold the execution of a test case for some time, then this field is important for you. In this field value, provide the number of seconds for which you want to hold the test case execution.

# Authorization

This specifies the authorization configuration used for this test case. To configure the authorization, please visit Configuration tab >> Authorizations section. For more information on this, please visit our document on Authorization.

# Tags

This specifies the tags to link with a test case. This is useful to associate any tags with the test case. Later on, you may apply a filter on tags in the Left Navigation Pane to view the associated test cases with the tag.

# Local Hooks

This specifies the local hooks here to link with a test case. These hooks will be validated along with test case assertions. For more information, please read Hook Types.

# Request Query Parameters

You may specify the request query parameters in the Request >> Query tab. If you have a URL with query parameters then provide this URL in the URL field then query parameters will be automatically extracted by vREST.

# Request Body

In Request >> Body tab, you may specify the Request body. vREST supports the form data, JSON, XML, and Text Body. If you are looking for Multipart support then please contact us.

# Request Headers

In Request >> Headers tab, you may specify the request headers tab.

# Validation via Assertions

In Validation >> Assertions tab, you may specify the assertions to validate the API response. vREST supports assertions on Status Code, Response Headers, Response Time, and Response Body. For more information, please read our guide on Basic Response Validation and Advanced Response Validation.

# Validation via Expected Body

In the Validation >> Expected Body tab, you may specify the expected body for your API response. When you enable the expected body tab, then it automatically enables the Text Body assertion which calls the Default Validator or any other custom response validator.

# Validation via Expected Schema

In the Validation >> Expected Schema tab, you may specify the expected JSON schema for your API response. When you enable the expected schema tab, then it automatically enables the Text Body assertion which calls the Default Schema Validator. vREST supports JSON schema draft3, draft4, draft6, and draft7. For more information, please visit our guide on Schema Validation.

# Variable Extractor

In the Variable Extractor tab, you may extract the information from the API response and store them into variables for use in subsequent requests. In this way, you may chain multiple requests.

# Template Data

In the Template Data tab, you may specify the values of the template variables if the test case is linked with any template. Or you may even use this tab to provide any custom data for the current test case. This tab also serves the purpose of the pre-request script for your test case. All the data stored in this tab will be available as a special variable {{$data}}.

For more information on Templates, read Templates.

For more information on Pre request script, read Pre request script.