# Global application instance specific Configuration

Global configurations can be found by first visiting the vREST icon from the top left corner and then open the tab Global Configuration from the right side area. These configurations are specific to a machine where the vREST NG Application instance is installed.

  1. Test Runner Error Behaviour

    This specifies the test runner behaviour on failed tests.

    1. Select Skip Current Test Suite if you want to skip the current test suite during execution if there is a test case failure.
    2. Select Never Stop if you don't want to stop the test runner upon test case failures. This is the default option.
    3. Select Stop on first error if you want to stop the test runner on the first test case failure.
    4. Select Stop after n failed executions if you want to stop the test runner after the configured number of test failures.
  2. Proxy Settings

    This specifies the proxy settings for the requests made by vREST NG Application.

    1. You may enable the proxy settings by configuring the environment variables HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY and select Respect Proxy option here. Once enabled, the application will send all requests through the specified proxy settings.
    2. Select Disable Proxy if you want to disable the proxy settings.
  3. Storage format for new projects (JSON/YAML)

    vREST NG Application can write the project data in JSON as well as YAML format. This configuration will automatically set the storage format for the new projects which will be added in the application. However you may change the storage format for any existing project as well.

  4. Auto update config for vREST NG Application

    1. If this setting is turned on then the vREST NG Application will check for any updates available and ask you to download whenever an update is available.
    2. Otherwise the application will not check for any updates.
  5. Show a warning box when running all the tests to prevent accidental running of tests.

    1. If this setting is set to TRUE then application will show the prompt for confirmation when user clicks on the Run All button.
    2. Otherwise application will not show any prompt before running the tests.
  6. Keep variables alive between test runs

    1. Enabling this flag will prevent the initialization of variables if variables are already initialized by the previous test run of the same project.
    2. And it will use the last state of variables from the previous test run as an initial state for the current test run.
    3. Use this setting with care as in some cases you may not want to use the last state of variables as an initial state.
    4. Previous variable state will be cleared via any of the following actions:
      1. Reloading the vREST NG application (Ctrl + R or Cmd + R).
      2. Switching the project in vREST NG application.
      3. Clicking on the Clear link on the Runner Status section as shown in figure below: